background image ; wireframe wave



My name is Dennes

I am a Front-end Web developer with over a year of experience developing websites that are easy to use and pleasant to the eye.


CSS Collection

ReactJS TailwindCSS

A collection of components that showcases what can be done with CSS, from the simple to the more complex I aim to show how with a little extra CSS you can elevate your site.

CSS Collection

Wandering Scoops

NextJS TailwindCSS

A digital newspaper website that is a hub of unique news & interesting information. Using four APIs, I aimed to make a newspaper with a fun twist that keeps people coming back.

Wandering Scoops

Advice Generator

ReactJS TailwindCSS

Original concept based on an assignment on Frontend Mentor. I added many features on top of the original concept (roll counter, like section, like, delete & clear buttons).

Advice Generator



CSSTailwindCSSFigmaUI & UX


JavaScriptReactJSReactJSHTML5ReactJSChrome Dev Tools

About Me

I started coding three years ago with Swift & Python solving problems both for College & for fun. In the Spring semester of my sophomore year, I applied for an internship in which I needed to follow a guide for developing a Simon Says-like rhythm game website & then I had to add features I would like to improve the game. After this, it became clear to me that web development was the career that I wanted to pursue. I also enjoy cooking & reading graphic novels in my free time.